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The Capitol Region Council of Governments (CRCOG) has released a proposed regional land use plan (Plan of Conservation and Development or POCD). The plan – required to be updated every ten years – is posted for public review.

The plan provides broad strategic direction for CRCOG and its 38 member communities and identifies long-term goals. The plan sets forth an overarching vision for the region to “build communities of choice, opportunity, and belonging.” The goals to support this vision are organized under five “themes”:

  • Cultivate a green and resilient future
  • Develop a competitive and inclusive regional economy
  • Reform outdated “steady habits” in our institutions and governance
  • Invest in transportation options for every journey
  • Expand and diversify the region’s housing stock

This plan identifies opportunities – including opportunities to work together as a region – to address challenges and build a stronger region. View the plan at:

CRCOG’s Regional Planning Commission will hold a hybrid public hearing on the proposed plan on September 19, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. You can share your feedback at this public hearing or via the project website.