Urban League Young Professionals Host Annual “Back 2 School Community Day” for Hartford-Area Families
Free Backpacks, Fun Activities, Helpful Resources
HARTFORD, CONN., August 16, 2024 – Families in the Hartford area are invited to the “2024 Back 2 School Community Day” on Thursday, August 22 from 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., hosted by the Urban League of Greater Hartford Young Professionals (YPs). The free outdoor event will take place, rain or shine, in the parking lot of the Urban League’s office at 140 Woodland St. (corner of Woodland St. and Sargeant St.) in Hartford, Conn. Free limited parking will be available.
“This annual event, run by our YPs, is one way the Urban League brings the community together to help families have a great start to the school year,” explains David Hopkins, President and CEO of the Urban League of Greater Hartford, which is celebrating 60 years of service to the Connecticut community. The nonprofit organization’s programs and operations impact more than 3,000 individuals and their families every year in the areas of youth development, adult education, workforce development, housing, community health, and social justice.
The Urban League of Greater Hartford Young Professionals is an auxiliary of the Urban League that supports the agency’s mission to reduce economic disparities in the region by convening volunteers, ages 21-40 for community service, professional networking, and promoting empowerment among young adults.
“The free backpacks full of school supplies is the biggest attraction, but everyone in the family can enjoy the festivities,” says Luz Holmes, President of the Urban League of Greater Hartford’s Young Professionals. Featured will be music from Hot 93.7, fitness activities, free food, health services and screening, voter registration, and more.
Backpacks and school supplies from companies and the public are encouraged and can be donated through August 19th at:
- Urban League of Greater Hartford at 140 Woodland St. in Hartford; and
- City of Hartford Community Engagement Office in City Hall, 1st Floor at 550 Main St. in Hartford.
Onsite registration is preferred, but not required, to participate in this free event. For more information, go to https://linktr.ee/ulgh64 or www.instagram.com/ULGHYP or call 860-527-0147.
To participate by hosting a table or to volunteer, contact YP@ULGH.org or events@ulgh.org or call
Financial donations to support the Young Professionals or the Urban League are welcome and can be made at: www.ulgh.org/donate.
The Urban League of Greater Hartford is a community-based, not-for-profit 501(c)(3), established in 1964 as the National Urban League’s 66th affiliate. Now celebrating 60 years of community service, its mission is to promote racial equity through economic empowerment programs in the areas of youth development, adult education, workforce development, affordable housing, personal financial management, community health, and social justice, impacting more than 3,000 individuals and their families every year. visit https://linktr.ee/ulgh64 or call 860-527-0147. Follow us on social media @ulgh64.