Dr. G. Duncan Harris Announces Retirement After Decades of Service to CT Community Colleges
Hartford, CT - January 17, 2025. Dr. G. Duncan Harris, Chief Executive Officer of CT State Capital, has announced his retirement effective September 1, 2025, marking the culmination of a distinguished 30-year career dedicated to advancing higher education in Connecticut. Since taking the helm at CT State Capital in 2018, Dr. Harris has left an indelible legacy of visionary leadership, transformative innovation, and unwavering commitment to student success.
“I set a goal years ago to retire after 30 years of service to our state’s community colleges and I’ve reached that milestone. It’s been an amazing and rewarding journey having joined with cherished colleagues in service to thousands of students over the years.”
Dr. Harris’s journey began in 1995 at UConn’s Student Support Services Office (TRIO) and continued for 22 impactful years at Manchester Community College, where he honed his skills as an innovative, student-focused leader, serving in a number of roles and as dean of student affairs for a decade.
Building on this foundation, he stepped into the CEO role of CT State Capital seven years ago, spearheading a number of initiatives that have left a lasting impact on CT State Capital and the Hartford community. His leadership during the pandemic was a beacon of stability and compassion, ensuring students and staff were supported during unprecedented challenges. Under his guidance, the college secured a $4 million Title V grant, affirming its identity as a Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI), and revitalized the Capital Foundation, expanding its ability to support both students and vital programs. He also led the campus through the consolidation of our state’s community colleges. Connecticut State Community College, the result of the consolidation and the largest community college in the Northeast, launched on July 1, 2023.
“Dr. Harris’s visionary leadership and unwavering commitment have been instrumental during this pivotal time of transition for CT State”, said Dr. John Maduko, CT State President. “He will be leaving a profound and lasting impact on the state of Connecticut and its educational landscape, notably in the Greater Hartford area.”
Others have commented on the impact of Dr. Harris on Hartford’s community college campus. “Working with Duncan has been a wonderful experience”, says Dinora Lopez, Capital Foundation Chair/ SVP & General Counsel at Liberty Bank. “He's always out and about and a major presence in the community. He’s a great connector of people, and that is reflected in the successes he’s had as CEO of Capital Community College. The foundation’s annual golf tournament was kicked off under his leadership and has been growing year over year, creating greater access to need-based funds and student scholarships.”
Beyond strengthening the Capital Foundation and driving its most successful fundraising initiatives, Dr. Harris has consistently championed programs that create life-changing opportunities for students. His tenure has been marked by bold workforce, equity, and social justice initiatives, such as launching the Accenture Apprentice, Bridge to Morehouse, Credible Messenger, and the Eversource Line-worker programs. According to Dr. Harris one of the programs he’s most proud of is restoring the college’s manufacturing program after a 20-year hiatus.
“It’s hard to believe Dr. Harris is retiring!” commented Jacqueline Gallo, EVP of Operations & Shared Services at Pursuit Aerospace. “In the short time I’ve known him, he became a trusted advisor, business partner, and friend. His vision and authentic leadership completely changed the game in the manufacturing space at Capital. It was clear from the moment I met him that we shared a deep connection to the work of disrupting cycles of poverty by offering meaningful careers in advanced manufacturing. It has been an honor and privilege to “lock arms” with Dr. Harris.”
Dr. Harris strengthened partnerships with the City of Hartford, Hartford Public Schools, and community organizations while elevating the college’s profile through regional and national engagements, including his decades long service to the New England Commission on Higher Education (NECHE) as a site reviewer, service to the National Council on Black American Affairs (NCBAA) as its president, and later, national board member, and as a member of the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) Economic and Workforce Development Commission. He has also admirably served on the board of the Wadsworth Atheneum for the past four years, working to help the museum broaden and diversify its patronage and programmatic offerings.
Notably, Dr. Harris oversaw the creation of the campus’s Equity Center, fostering a holistic, equity-minded approach to education, and contributed to the success of significant cultural initiatives such as the Hartford Heritage Program and the Pennington and Herencias Latinas Lecture Series. His commitment to enhancing campus infrastructure led to major renovations and upgrades across the college’s facilities, ensuring a welcoming and state-of-the-art learning environment for students.
When asked, he indicated his most significant accomplishment is tied to his impact on the culture of the campus and the recruitment and retention of talented and diverse faculty and staff, “I’ve had the distinct privilege of deciding who gets to work at CT State Capital and am most proud of the diverse team of faculty, staff, and administrators that have joined the college during my tenure. We have some of the best and brightest in the field that are committed to doing all they can to contribute to the success of our students.”
Dr. Harris's efforts have laid a foundation for future generations to thrive, from fostering essential partnerships to prioritizing student success and equity. His work will undoubtedly continue to resonate long after his retirement, with the programs and initiatives he championed serving as pillars of progress in education and community development. CT State Capital is planning a fitting “Community Sendoff” for Dr. Harris on May 1. Funds raised from the event will go to the Capital Foundation to support student success. Details regarding the event and an invitation for colleagues, friends and well-wishers of Dr. Harris to attend will be shared in the ensuring weeks.