Blue Earth Compost was recently certified as a B-Corp, a “company that meets the highest standards of social and environmental impact.” Similar to what the Fair Trade certification is for products and producers, certification is a stringent process carried out by professionals from the B Lab agency in which they examine all of the impacts of a company with a fine tooth comb. These elements include governance, transparency, accountability, social and environmental impact, worker rights and treatment, and community stakeholder involvement, among others. They assign point values to how a business performs in these categories and if you meet a certain threshold, you can receive their certification.
To qualify, a business must receive 80 points out of a total of 200 available points. The median score for ordinary businesses who complete the assessment is currently 50.9. Blue Earth Compose received a 95.1 which places the organization in the top 5% of businesses of its size, worldwide. This means they have been recognized as one of the “Best for the World”.
You can learn more about Blue Earth Compost here.