Investing in education and equity
These grants intend to support secondary, post-secondary, higher education and other learning pathways that help prepare racially and ethnically diverse students and young women for the future of work and meaningful careers in business, accounting, and STEM.
The Deloitte Foundation is focused on driving change at the intersection of education and equity to help prepare the next generation of diverse business leaders for the future of work. At a national level, the Foundation invests in student success, educator success, and school success and collaborates with academic institutions and nonprofit organizations to make strategic investments that help build pathways to opportunity for the workforce of tomorrow.
For a second year, the Deloitte Foundation issued one-time grants to local programs nationwide that help to prepare racially and ethnically diverse students and young women for the future of work and careers in business, accounting, and STEM. More than 65 grants were made to high school, college or alternative pathway programs across the country working to prepare future business leaders and expanding our social impact footprint.
These grants support many innovative programs across a number of educational needs, including:
- Curriculum to help students gain skills or credentials in business, accounting, or STEM
- Supplemental learning experiences such as online or afterschool or summer enrichment programs
- Resources in the form of scholarships, mentorships, or college and workforce readiness support to help students continue on their educational journeys
You can learn more about Deloitte Foundation’s local impact grants here.