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Hartford Business Journal showcases Health Care Power Players

There has been no sector more important in 2020 than the healthcare industry.

Hospitals, physician practices, and health policy experts have been on the frontlines of dealing with the coronavirus pandemic, a once-in-a-century event that has infected millions around the country and killed thousands of Connecticut residents.


Despite the untold economic damage and human suffering caused by COVID-19, Connecticut has done a better job than most other states in controlling the virus in recent months.


That’s thanks to the leadership of many people in government and the healthcare industry, who have been working cooperatively to both prevent and contain the spread of the virus.

In this week’s issue, Hartford Business Journal is publishing its inaugural Power 25 Health Care list, which identifies leaders who are significantly impacting the industry and public health.

This isn’t an awards section. HBJ’s Power 25 Health Care class was chosen and ranked by HBJ’s news team. To make the list, individuals must not only be in a position of power, they need to wield it in such a way to have an outsized impact on our community.

The rankings include a mix of established players as well as some fresh faces to our region. A preference was placed on those who have played central roles in the state’s response to the pandemic.

That’s why the list includes government officials and public health experts who typically might not be considered industry power players.

As this is our first time doing this special issue, we’re curious to know what you think. Feel free to send feedback. Power 25 Health Care will be back next year with some new names and fresh faces, so be prepared to make suggestions.

Greg Bordonaro, Editor

Power 25

Ned Lamont

Jeffrey Flaks

Jennifer Jackson

Reginald Eadie

Deirdre Gifford

Albert Ko

David Cordani

Marna Borgstrom

Karen Lynch

Andrew Agwunobi

Matthew Barrett and Mag Morelli

James Shmerling

Vincent Capece Jr.

Kurt Barwis

Mark Masselli

Lynn Ricci and Sonja LaBarbera

Benito Alvarez and Jim Faircloth

Keith Stover and Susan Halpin

Kevin Lembo and Victoria Veltri

Andrew Mais

Eric Galvin

Linda Grigerek

Martin Looney, Sean Scanlon and Matt Lesser

Charles Lee

Ellen Andrews