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Hartford’s response rate to the United States 2020 Census is 46.1 %, Bridgeport’s rate is 49.1 % New Haven’s is 50.5 % and Waterbury’s is 51.4 %. This means that Hartford will receive only half the Federal funding it needs for hospitals, schools, free lunches, health care, roads, and more. The response rate needs to improve, and to do so the Census Bureau has sent enumerators to visit non-responding households in Hartford and Danbury on July 30. Door-to-door canvassing will also begin in New Haven.

In an effort to increase response rates, The Community Renewal Team and the Hartford Chamber of Commerce are hosting a Census event Tuesday, August 25 from 2:00 until 4:00 p.m. at the Urban League of Greater Hartford, 140 Woodland Street. There will be free ice cream and popcorn available for children.

Residents may request a Census enumerator in one of 53 languages. Locate your language:

Census information is available in American Sign Language:

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