MetroHartford Alliance Content Manager Nan Price visited the Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art to talk with Director and CEO Tom Loughman about the museum’s economic impact on the Hartford Region.
NAN: Let’s talk about how the museum creates an economic impact in the region.
TOM LOUGHMAN: From a purely economic development point of view, we have a huge impact here as a major employer. We have 100 employees, 60 to 70 people working here regularly, and more than 100 people in our volunteer corps. Our docent council is a great extension of our renowned educational program. We also have all kinds of contract purveyors, whether it’s for graphic signage, book publishing, protection services, or mechanical systems.
That’s an incredible amount of economic activity for any cultural organization. People make up more than half of our budget, so the payroll is at the center of our operations. I’m told every dollar devoted to human resource generates quite a few more dollars of impact.
We’re also attracting cultural philanthropy from outside the region and are engaged in collaborations nationally and globally.
NAN: In what ways does the Wadsworth collaborate with the local and global community?
TOM: We’re collaborating with higher education in many ways. There was a moment when the Hartford Consortium for Higher Ed asked if we would consider becoming an associate member because we had so many collaborations happening at University of Saint Joseph, University of Connecticut, and Trinity College. It’s a robust and very trusting network.
Right now, UConn just finished construction of a suite of offices for its master’s in arts administration program, which they’re relocating from Storrs to within the walls of the Wadsworth. We’re very excited and happy to have them here.
We’re also part of the Connecticut Art Trail, which is a network of 20 Connecticut-based institutions that promote Connecticut arts and culture. About 24% of our visitation comes from outside Connecticut and probably half of that percentage come from abroad.
NAN: That leaves a large percentage here in the state.
TOM: Right. Of that percentage, about half live in Hartford County. We’re proud to say the Wadsworth Athenaeum is Connecticut’s flagship visual arts institution. We’re a large, long-established, public-facing museum with truly varied collections, spanning the world and five millennia. I believe that calls us to meet the broad societal needs for the visual arts across the state.
The Wadsworth is committed to making museums matter in the lives of everyone who lives here and in the lives of people who visit. We hold all this cultural property in the public trust for everyone. It’s our role to draw people together and provide a place that sparks creativity, ingenuity, and different kinds of learning. That’s what we do.
Read the complete interview at Innovation Destination Hartford
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