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“Inclusion on Purpose: An Intersectional Approach to Creating a Culture of Belonging at Work” – Ruchika Tulshyan

If we believe in fostering inclusive workplace environments that are representative of the communities we serve, why are so few organizations truly successful at it? Help is on the way!

Leadership Greater Hartford’s (LGH) annual Lessons in Leadership series introduces author Ruchika Tulshyan and her work Inclusion on Purpose in four virtual sessions: April 3, 17, May 2 and 14, 2024.

Tulshyan, an award-winning inclusion strategist and speaker, is CEO and founder of Candour, which works with organizations to create diverse teams and inclusive cultures. A former business journalist, she has reported from four countries and writes regularly on inclusive leadership for the Harvard Business Review. Tulshyan centers the workplace experience of women of color, who are subject to both gender and racial bias.

“I’ve learned that there’s a lot of good intention out there when we say “diversity and inclusion,” but our societies and workplaces often operate on the principle that if we mean well, then even the worst of behaviors can be excused. It’s why most well-meaning people get so defensive when you call them discriminatory. There are few phrases that would get someone more angry than if you called their behavior racist or misogynist. Many people will retort with some version of, “But I don’t see color” or “I didn’t say that because you’re a woman.”

― Ruchika Tulshyan, Inclusion on Purpose: An Intersectional Approach to Creating a Culture of Belonging at Work

Her book is the foundation of the Lessons in Leadership series that will provide the tools and life lessons to help us identify and address barriers within our institutions that prohibit inclusion.

Interactive breakout sessions will give attendees the opportunity to practice what they learn, and take new skills back to their homes, offices, or communities.

Lessons in Leadership is free to dues-paying members of LGH and $20 per session for non-members. You can purchase a book through LGH for $20. All sessions will be conducted via ZOOM from 8 a.m. to 9:15 a.m. To register or learn more, visit

  • Session 1: Wednesday, April 3 – Individual Behaviors to Drive Inclusion: Focusing on Privilege and
    Intersectionality. Guest Facilitator: Mariana Serrano – The Connection
  • Session 2: Wednesday, April 17 – Organizational Behaviors to Drive Inclusion: Focusing on Empathy and Belonging. Guest Facilitator: Nicole Miller – EquityCorps Group
  • Session 3: Thursday, May 2 – Psychological Safety in the Workplace. Guest Facilitator: Michelle Carr – Leadership Rhode Island
  • Session 4: Tuesday, May 14 – Building a Purposeful Future of Inclusion. Guest Facilitator: Author, Ruchika Tulshyan (pre-recorded)