Whether you had COVID or not the JCC is here to help get you back on your feet, feel better and have more energy! Feb. 21-25, 2022
Bring a Friend!
Everything is better with your bestie – bring he/she/they along to experience anything this week!
For more information or to reserve your spot, contact Sharon O’Brien, sobrien@mandelljcc.org (walk-ins also welcome)
How to Feel Well Post COVID
Monday, February 21 | 12:00pm | Hybrid
Instructor: Dr. Diana Zitserman
If you are experiencing lingering symptoms post-COVID, or just need to reduce the anxiety the pandemic has caused, learn about what you can do for inflammation, brain fog, headaches, digestive issues, sleep issues, and stress.
Relaxation Station
Tuesday, February 22 | 11:00am-1:00pm
Thursday, February 24 | 3:00-6:00pm
Thursday, February 24 | 3:00-6:00pm
Immerse yourself in comfort with live harp music (by therapeutic musician Carolyn Brodginski), guided meditation, soft touch hand massage and the TLC you deserve!
Gentle Mind Body Mat
Wednesday, February 23 | 12:00pm
Instructor: Sol Berns
Ease into some simple Pilates and Yoga movements to get your body moving and help you feel refreshed and relaxed.
Realign Your Spine
Thursday, February 24 | 12:30pm | Hybrid
Instructor: Sandy Byrne
Learn postural realignment and corrective ergonomic exercises, self-massage techniques, and stretches.
Free Chair Massage
Wednesday, February 23 | 2:30-3:30pm
Thursday, February 24 | 4:00-7:00pm
Friday, February 25 | 12:30-3:30pm
Manage/Reduce Stress with Fitness Classes
Moving your body is an effective way to reduce stress and anxiety, and it can boost your mood, loosen up muscles and joints, increase confidence, and make you feel great.
Try one of these classes to get you moving and maybe try something new!
Yoga Class
Tuesdays, 10:30am (Gentle Yoga) | Wednesdays, 9:00am (Power Yoga) | Thursdays, 10:30am | Sundays, 10:30am
One reason yoga is so effective at combatting stress is that the combination of poses, breath work and meditation helps decrease sympathetic nervous system activity!
Bodycombat Class
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9:15am | Saturdays, 8:45am
Research found that a mixed martial arts class left participants feeling a decrease in tension/anxiety, depression/dejection, anger/hostility and confusion. The reason? The endorphin-producing, sweat-inducing workout is an ideal outlet for venting life’s little (and not-so-little) frustrations.
Zumba Class
Wednesdays, 6:30pm
According to research, even one single upbeat dance session may help combat depression and anxiety more effectively than simply listening to music or even vigorously exercising!
Pilates Class
Tuesdays, 10:15am |Â Wednesdays, 5:00pm
Pilates has been around for almost a century, but the health benefits are timeless. Combining breath work and core-strengthening exercises with motion and full-body strength-building moves, Pilates is a complete mind-body workout (think yoga meets aerobics).
Tai Chi Class
Thursdays, 10:15am
Tai Chi is a form of moving meditation, which helps decrease tension and promote serenity through a series of graceful, flowing movements and focused breath work. Tai chi has been linked to better sleep and improved pain management.