This Mother’s Day, Hartford Moms In Need To See Expansion Of Mental Health And Parenting Support Services
Village program to aid additional 70 families in need amid COVID-related stress
Just in time for Mother’s Day, The Village for Families & Children has expanded services to help empower local mothers, filling a gap in support as families face an increase in mental health challenges compounded by COVID-19.
The Village has recently expanded its Parents as Teachers (PAT) program, a home-visiting service that connects parents with children ages 0-5 to the support they need to build resilience, grow their parenting skills and expand their knowledge of childhood development so that their children thrive.
With the expansion, three new staff have been added to the program, bringing the team from six trained home visitors to nine. Each of these staff helps a total of about 25 families at a time, so the expansion will enable The Village to work with up to 75 additional families who need support.
The pandemic has added unprecedented challenges to mothers’ lives, triggering stress responses which has a critical impact on child development. This ongoing stress, on top of the stress of being a new mom, or a single parent, can have a significant impact on both parents and children’s mental health.
While in the program, families also have access to the many others services The Village provides, including help with mental health and basic needs. The program is also offered as part of the Stronger Families Stronger Futures network (SF2), which helps families access a wide range of services across Greater Hartford. Since July 2021, the SF2 network has provided PAT home visiting services to 532 caregivers in the region. Approximately 90% of children born to caregivers in PAT were carried to term and had a healthy birth weight, and over 99% of the children in PAT had no injuries and did not experience abuse or neglect.
The Village has a special initiative to help local moms in need this Mother’s Day. The initiative allows anyone to help a mom in need while honoring their own. Gifts can be made in any amount, and a special e-card will be sent on Mother’s Day to let moms know a gift has been made in their name.
Learn more at [] or visit The Village for Families & Children (@thevillagect) on Facebook.
Sarah Thompson, Senior Director, Marketing and Communications,
The Village for Families & Children (c) 860-751-4179,
About The Village
The Village for Families & Children was one of the first agencies in the country to provide homes for neglected children. Today, The Village provides a full range of behavioral health, early and childhood youth development, substance use treatment, and support services for children, families and adults in the Greater Hartford region. Learn more at