What is a C-Suite Connector?
A recent national study by Development Counsellors International (DCI) which showed that corporate President’s and CEOs were most likely (44%) to lead their company’s business expansion or location projects.
And when asked what was their leading sources of information that influenced their perceptions of an area’s business climate for the locations that they were considering, their number one response was “Dialogue with Industry Peers,” followed by business travel and newspaper/magazines.
Meetings with Economic Development Staff ranked 4th.
To help us have more influence and insert our region’s narrative in those conversations that take place among corporate executives, we are engaging our board members and investors to be part of the MHA C-Suite Connectors program to help them become part of our lead generation team.
The goal is to have our board members and investors use their industry knowledge and connections to help the MHA Business Investment team identify potential business growth opportunities, generate industry peer related leads, and close more expansion and location projects in Hartford region.
The C-Suite Connectors survey was put together to help us gather some background information about you and your connections and begin creating those marketing messages that will help us tell the true story of the Hartford region and the state of Connecticut.
Thanks for your participation.